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Uzaktan Kontrol


·Sensor Am2320b brand temperature, humidity sensor.

· Inputs are triggered at +12-24V level. As long as the input is triggered, the device sends SMS continuously at regular intervals.

· When the device is first turned on, IP number: port: 80. Subnet mask: default gateway: To change these values, an SMS should be sent to the device. Changes made are saved in non-volatile memory.

· Phone calls to the device are ignored and not answered.

If the Limit Values are exceeded, an SMS will be sent to the numbers registered to the SIM indicating this situation. This information is also displayed on the LCD screen.


· The Rj45 Ethernet socket must be plugged in before the device is turned on, or the device must be restarted after it is plugged in.

· The + - pole is not important for the input voltage.

· Inputs are triggered at +12-24V level. As long as the input is triggered, the device sends SMS continuously at regular intervals.

· The PIN code of the sim card must be removed before insertion, otherwise the device will give a ""sim card error"" at startup.

· The device waits for the *0106*02device_id*03 command from the PC every 1-8 seconds, otherwise it will give an Ethernet error and every 10 minutes. it also reboots itself.

· If the device requests the humidity and temperature value of the PC during the first boot, the humidity and temperature value may be empty or – this means that the device has not been turned on yet, or it senses an error.

· A maximum of 5 phone numbers can be added to the device. If the admin is desired to be an active user, the Admin number should also be added with the method specified below.

· After recording the lower and upper limit values ​​for the temperature and humidity values, if these limit values ​​are exceeded either up or down; device sends SMS to registered numbers notifying current status.


· Admin password: Its default value is 123456. The number that sent this message can make the adjustments by sending an SMS to the device as an admin.

· Tel Telno1 Telno2 Telno3 Telno4 Telno5* : Up to 5 contact numbers can be added to the device. If you want to receive an SMS to the number that is the Admin, the phone number of this Admin should also be added with this method. Numbers can be up to 20 characters. Numbers start with + and must not contain spaces. There should be a space between different phone numbers. * character must be added after the last phone number. When this message is sent, all old numbers in the memory are deleted and the numbers written in this message are saved in the memory. If the admin number is also desired to be able to make adjustments, that number should also be added in a single SMS.

Example: Tel +9053212345678 +905051234567*

Stu : Provides antenna power, temperature, humidity values ​​of the device, IP v111111e Network information

· Pass old_password new_password: Changes the password.

Example pass 123456 987654

· Reset : All records are deleted. Password resets to 123456 by default.

· Newip ip_adress:port : It is used to define a new IP to the device.

Example (If Port 125): Newip

· Newnetmask sub_net_mask : Used to define a new subnet mask for the device Example : Newnetmask

· Newgateway gateway : Used to define a new gateway to the device.

Example: Newgateway

· Humidity lower_value upper_value : It is used to record the lower and upper values ​​between 0-99 for humidity. Example: Humidity 10 90 (If the humidity value falls below 10 or rises above 90, the device will send a warning SMS to the registered numbers.)

· Temperature lower_value upper_value : Used to record lower and upper values ​​for temperature. Values ​​must be between -25 and 125.

Example: Temperature 20 50 (If the temperature value falls below 20 or rises above 50, the device will send a warning SMS to the registered numbers.)


· If an IP address is not assigned to the device via SMS, the IP address is defined as, Port 80, Subnet mask, Gateway

· The device only responds to the PC. The device is in master mode, that is, it waits for the PC to connect to it.

· Communication protocol is attached.


İvedik O.S.B. 1122. Cadde 1472. Sokak No : 42 Ostim Yenimahalle / Ankara

0(312) 385 80 84

39° 59' 34.559"N, 32° 44' 18.784"E

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